Lighting Magic

I’ve been fascinated by “light painting” ever since seeing some of O. Winston Link’s amazing steam locomotive images from the 50’s.

Combining multiple images lit with only a single light is a favorite of today’s architectural photographers and I wanted to see if I could apply the technique to camping scenes. So I read Eric Curry’s great book, Painting with Light, Lighting and Photoshop Techniques for Photographers published by Amherst Media and watched some great behind-the-scenes videos of him lighting his complex scenes at his website: American Pride and Passion.




One of my latest images is of a tent in a stand of Aspen trees. There are not as many details to worry about in this scene so it was a little easier to light. I used five different images, lit with a flashlight plus a fluorescent lantern in the tent. All images were shot at f/5.6, 15sec, ISO 400 with the 14–24mm lens.

Ralph Clevenger

Ralph Cle­venger grew up on the coast of North Africa and began div­ing in the waters of the Mediter­ranean Sea at the age of 7 with his father. He even­tu­ally went on to study zool­ogy at San Diego State Uni­ver­sity and worked as a diver/biologist for the Scripps Insti­tu­tion of Oceanog­ra­phy in La Jolla, Cal­i­for­nia before attend­ing Brooks Insti­tute of Pho­tog­ra­phy. He holds a BS degree in zool­ogy and a BA degree in pho­tog­ra­phy. Ralph is the author of Pho­tograph­ing Nature, pub­lished by New Riders.
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